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In the frame of the Queens 7 Rugby project, the book is highlighting best practices promoting women's rugby all around the world.

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By Marie-Cécile Naves, with the support of the CHANEL foundation, this book brings to light 11 good practices promoting empowering girls through sports.

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Brussels Active Kids Statement Sport and Citizenship, in partnership with Nike, FESI and #BEACTIVE, organized the “Shaping the New Generation of Active Kids” conference on September 28th, (2018) at La Tricoterie, St-Gilles, (Brussels). The event included an exclusive interview with Clemence Calvin, a European marathon silver medalist 2018. The participants

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Mapping of School Sport in Europe   Understanding school sport equals reflecting on the disparities in terms of the organisation of sport in Europe. While the European model of sport is a factor of unity, it is also characterized by its diversity, as it is expressed in a multiplicity of

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Sport, Physical Activity and Quality of life at work Improving the quality of work life through physical and sports activities Under the direction of Sylvain Landa and with the contribution of Sport and Citizenship Think tank's members There are more and more articles in the press, other publications and discussions on the subject

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Sport, Education and Training in Europe: A dual career for a dual life Under the direction of Sylvain Landa (deputy director of Sport and Citizenship Think tank) According to international research, every year 30% of the young people between 10 and 17 who do a sport give it up, because

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Sport and Health in Europe: Physical activity as a means to well-being and living well together Under the direction of Sylvain Landa (Deputy director of Sport and Citizenship) It is a paradox : although the health benefits of physical activity are now well known, nearly 6 out of every 10 Europeans rarely

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Sport and Disability in Europe Which training for the coaching staff ? Under the direction of Julian Jappert, Sport and Citizenship Think tank's director 56% of European citizens with a disability say that they never do any regular physical activity. This is a paradox in view of the many studies showing that sport

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Sport and Citizenship in partnership with Audencia Business School publishes an overview of the organization of sport in the Member States of the EU. 2013

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Women, Sport and Media coverage in Europe The « Television without frontiers » directive : for a better media coverage of women’s sport Under the direction of Julian Jappert director of Sport and Citizenship Think tank About 37% European women admit they do not practise a sport at least once a week. It

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Sport et citoyenneté