Two new journals to read in March!

Sport et Citoyenneté invites you to explore SAYES, an innovative project to combat sexual violence in the world of skating, and My Sporting Heritage, an ambitious initiative dedicated to preserving Europe’s sporting heritage. Two magazines, two strong commitments, two readings for this month of March!


Journal #58 : Ensuring a safe environment for ice sports

thumbnail of REVUE_58_webCombating sexual violence in sport is an absolute priority for our society. The European SAYES (Safeguarding Young European Skaters) project, the results of which are presented in this review, is fully in line with this approach. Supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Youth programme, SAYES is mainly aimed at European skating and ice sports federations. Its aim is to improve federal policies and procedures to ensure a safer and more respectful environment for young skaters.

This project, which is the result of collaboration between the International Skating Federation (ISU), three European federations (France, Hungary and the Netherlands), the Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1, the Colosse aux pieds d’argile association and our Think tank Sport and Citizenship, demonstrates a collective commitment to eradicating this scourge in ice sports.

It is essential to understand that the fight against sexual violence is not limited to putting policies and procedures in place. Above all, it requires a profound change of culture within sporting communities. This includes raising awareness and educating all those involved in sport – coaches, athletes, parents and managers – about appropriate behaviour and reporting mechanisms. In addition, it is vital to provide support to victims, offering them appropriate resources so that they can recover from their experiences.

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Journal #59 : Promoting our sporting heritage

thumbnail of REVUE_59_web

Sports heritage is a timeless, universal treasure that crosses generations and borders. It includes not only infrastructure such as stadiums and gymnasiums, but also objects, archives and intangible traditions that bear witness to the history of each sport, club and region. Identifying, preserving and sharing this heritage is crucial to maintaining our collective memory and passing on to future generations the values and traditions that have shaped our society.

This is the aim of the European project ‘My Sporting Heritage’, presented in this article. Led by six European partners and coordinated by the Musée National du Sport (France), the project aims to strengthen international cooperation in the field of sporting heritage. It also aims to develop innovative educational tools to help pass on this heritage to younger generations. The project is supported by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ Sport programme.

Every country and every region has unique sporting traditions that enrich its cultural identity. The contributions in this magazine offer a rich perspective on this theme, while also revealing forthcoming projects, including a digital exhibition currently under construction. At a time when the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games have magnificently showcased the region’s sporting heritage, it is vital that we take a closer look at our sporting heritage.

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Sport et citoyenneté