The role of sport in education, 3rd Erasmus+ Cluster meeting

Focused on ‘the role of sport in education: enhancing skills development and dual careers perspectives’, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the European Commission organised their third Cluster Meeting dedicated to sport on December 4-5 2019 in Brussels.


Sport stakeholders from around Europe, working on Erasmus+ projects involving sport and education since 2014, were invited to use the opportunity to share outcomes and observations regarding their own projects and best practices. The event included policy sessions on ‘Dual career, from theory to reality’, ‘Coach as a teacher and lifelong learner’ and ‘What can we learn by practicing sport?’, in addition to three topical workshops. The latter focused on combining a sport career with education/employment (#BeAble), the promotion of education through sport via skills development (#BeMore), and on preparing coaches to work in a variety of environments with a variety of participants (#BeBetter).

Find out more about the detailed programme, speakers and moderators here.

Sport et citoyenneté