News from the Council of the European Union
May 2023
On May 15th and 16th, the ministries of Sport of the 27 gathered in Brussels for a session of the Council Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture. Among the main topics were discussed the new procedure for the selection of the EU representative to the World Anti-Doping Agency, the protection of the rights of Ukrainian athletes in sport international events held in the EU as well as the European dimension of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Lithuanian delegation called her peers to not support nor held any sport event that would allow the participation of Russian and Belarussian athletes out of respect for Ukraine. It echoes the position of the IOC to not forbid Russian and Belarussian athletes from competing in qualifications to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the meantime, France, in the person of Ministry of Sport, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, claimed her will to register the legacy of Paris 2024 at the European.
February 2023
In a press release published on January 30th, the Council of the European Union (Council) established his priorities within the cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE) for the 2023-2024 period. In this regard, the conclusions made by the two organisations defined sport as “a precious tool for the promotion of human rights and the well-being of European citizens”. As main priorities, the Council and the CoE will focus on the fight against hate speech in sport and towards ways to ensure a safe practice of sport activities for all. On those domains, the EU already worked alongside the CoE for the adoption of the Macolin convention, on manipulation of sport competitions, as well as the Saint-Denis convention which aims to develop and promote an integrated approach of security, safety and services around football matches and other sport manifestations.
Dans un communiqué de presse publié le 30 janvier, le Conseil de l’Union Européenne (Conseil) a établi ses priorités dans le cadre de sa coopération avec le Conseil de l’Europe (CoE) pour la période 2023-2024. A cet égard, les conclusions auxquelles sont parvenues les deux organisations définissent le sport tel “un outil précieux pour la promotion des droits de l’homme et le bien-être des citoyens européens”. En tant que priorités de premier plan, le Conseil et le CoE entendent se concentrer sur la lutte contre les discours de haine dans le sport et vers des moyens permettant d’assurer la pratique du sport en toute sécurité. Sur ces domaines, l’Union Européenne a déjà travaillé aux côtés du CoE pour l’adoption de la convention de Macolin, sur la manipulation des compétitions sportives, ainsi que pour la convention de Saint-Denis qui vise à developer et promouvoir une approche intégrée de la sécurité, de la sûreté et des services lors des matchs de football et autres manifestations sportives. (point 44 du communiqué)
November 2022
The “Combating Hate Speech in Sport” Project team met with French national partners on 8 and 9 November in Paris to discuss with stakeholders the state of play of hate speech in sport in France. Prior to France, the Council of Europe’s Sport Division worked with Spain and Grece.
This project, co-financed by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe Sport Division from January 2022 to December 2023, developed a four-stage strategy. The aim is to collect data, implement national strategy, exchange good practise and create an online resource centre providing access to existing tools.
The implementation of the project starts in France, Greece, Spain, Germany, Montenegro and Italy.
August 2022
Lors de son intervention à la 10ème conférence des ministres des sports du Commonwealth, le 26 juillet 2022, le Secrétaire Général adjoint du Conseil de l’Europe, Bjørn Berge a déclaré “Le sport est un formidable instrument qui rassemble les gens comme rien d’autre ne peut le faire”. Il a aussi tenu à rappeler que le plan d’action – Priorités stratégiques 2022-2025 sur le sport, participe à renforcer la démocratie. Cette conférence, qui se tient tous les deux ans, avait pour objectif de favoriser la coopération sur les questions clés de politiques sportives au sein du Commonwealth.
During his intervention at the 10th Commonwealth Sports Ministers’ Conference on 26 July 2022, the Council of Europe’s Deputy Secretary General, Bjørn Berge, said “Sport is a great leveler that can bring people together in a way that nothing else can”. He also recalled that the Council of Europe’s four-year strategic priorities for sport, contributes to strengthening democracy. This conference, which is held every two years, aimed to encourage cooperation on key sport policy issues within the Commonwealth.
July 2022
Second meeting on the mapping of sustainable sport facilities, 5 July 2022
The Council of the European Union met on July 5th 2022 for the second meeting on the mapping of sustainable sport facilities. This meeting was foreseen by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport between the Council of the EU and the Mulier Institute and brought together researchers, policy experts and stakeholders from the sport movement to work on the environmental sustainability of sport facilities.
Child Protection in Sport, 23 June 2022
The joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Child Protection in Sport” had its closing event on June 23rd 2022. Its objectives were to support the partner countries in the development of effective public policies for child protection in sport through the implementation of various accountability mechanisms.
April 2022
Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, 4-5 April 2022
Last April, Ministers for culture and media and ministers for sport discussed the European response to the war in Ukraine in their respective policy areas. On this occasion, sport ministers emphasised the role of the sport movement in defending these European values and showing solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Following the discussion, the Council approved conclusions on sport and physical activity, a promising lever to transform behaviour for sustainable development.
Read more about the conclusions on sport and physical activity, a promising lever to transform behaviour for sustainable development here
November 2021
The Council adopted conclusions on Lifelong Physical Activity
In the framework of the adoption of the resolution on the key features of a European sport Model, EU Sport Ministers also adopted conclusions promoting lifelong physical activity. The conclusions highlight the importance of a physical fitness monitoring system that encourages the people to engage in lifelong physical activity, with appropriate individual feedback and tracking of changes in physical fitness. The conclusions call on the member states to voluntary opt for this monitoring system.
The Council adopted a Resolution on a European Sport Model
On 30 November, European Sport Ministers adopted a resolution on the key features of a European Sport Model. The key features include a pyramidal structure, organised sport, structured on a national basis, and by one federation per sport, solidarity with lower-tier sport levels and the promotion of open competitions. This is the first agreement on the key features of the European model of sport based on European values.
June 2021
Publication of the Council Conclusions on sports-related violence
The European Council adopted several recommendations regarding sports-related violence ahead of EURO2020. They stress the importance of protecting public spaces and private spaces open to public. Moreover, they call on Member States to preventing and mitigating the dissemination of messages that incite violence, extremism, radicalization and xenophobia.