News from the European Commission
December 2020
Mapping study on the intergenerational dimension of sport
The study focussed on the participation in sporting activities for both old and young people. How volunteering, coaching or spectating in sport might contribute to promote the role of families by encouraging intergenerational transfer.
2020 #BeActive Awards
Within the framework of the European Week of Sport, the winners of the 2020 #BeActive Awards have been announced!
High Level Group on Gender Equality in sport – The European Commission establishes a High Level Group composed of 15 experts in the field of gender equality in sport
The European Commission (EC) adopted in 2013 the Gender Equality – Proposal for strategic actions 2014-2020, a reference document in this field. Since its timeframe is coming to an end, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss the way forward and to boost gender equality in sport.
#Beinclusive EU Sports Awards – Winners have been announced
The 2020 #Beinclusive winners have now been announced – each taking home €10 000 for their excellent work in making sport inclusive for everyone!
The European Commission #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards recognise organisations using the power of sport to increase social inclusion for disadvantaged groups. The 2020 winners are Ovale citoyen, Ovale citoyen (France) Integrative Championship – INclude and INtegrate!, Akademicki Zwiazek Sportowy Zarzad Glowny (Poland) Surf.ART – Atreve-te | Realiza-te |Transforma-te, Pressley Ridge – Associação de Solidariedade Social (Portugal)