
My Sporting Heritage project



The European project “My Sporting Heritage”, of which Sport and Citizenship is a partner, aims to contribute to the identification, preservation and promotion of Europe’s underexposed sporting heritage. Although experts in the fields of sport and culture agree that there exists a rich European sporting heritage, the general public knows little about it.

The My Sporting Heritage project means to respond to this lack of visibility and to make up for the lack of teaching resources dealing with European sporting culture from the angle of heritage, particularly for young people. One of the first results of the My Sporting Heritage project will be to bring together European researchers specialising in sporting heritage at the University of Amsterdam on 6 September 2024, to discuss national specificities in the European sporting heritage.

Then, in 2025, virtual displays and digital and physical teaching resources will be developed based on elements identified by the researchers.

This project will be supported by the scientific excellence of the University of Amsterdam, the European Cultural Root of Sport Association and the Sport and Citizenship Think Tank, and benefit from the teaching and digital skills of the Musée National du Sport and the Michael Culture and Radiona organisations. The Musée National du Sport is in charge of the general coordination.


My Sporting Heritage is funded by the European Union through its Erasmus+ programme.

The views and opinions expressed are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Sport et citoyenneté