Journal Sport and Citizenship n°57
Dear readers
Sport integrity is at the heart of the guiding principles for competitions and the bodies dedicated to sport. This revue, with its valuable contributions from numerous experts, primarily those federated by the Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport, deals rigorously with current challenges and the solutions for preserving this ideal.
What ideas do we have on integrity in this 57ᵉ issue?
The articles presented offer an in-depth analysis of current problems. We cover the protection of athletes’ personal integrity, with the notion of “safe sport”, and the efforts needed to combat all forms of violence and discrimination effectively. We take another look at the ongoing issues for preserving the integrity of sports competitions and combating the manipulation of results. We examine the questions of ethics and integrity in the way sporting organisations work. These approaches cast a light on the commitment of stakeholders (institutional actors, the sports movement, civil society) to upholding fair and responsible practices.
Throughout this revue, our objective is to promote a constructive dialogue and support efforts which aim to ensure that integrity remains an absolute priority. We invite the whole of the sports community to get behind this vital issue for the sake of the fundamental values of sport.
Recommendations of Sport and Citizenship
Julian JAPPERT, Director, presents the recommendations and lessons that Sport and Citizenship addresses to decision-makers in the sports world about “sport and integrity”:
Editorials Words – Sylvain Landa, Editorial Director
European News
- Sport in Europe must continue to be a unifying and empowering force – Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Sport
Special Feature – Protecting sport integrity
- Embedding human rights, democracy and the rule of the law in sport – Bjorn Berge, Deputy Secretary General at the Council of Europe
- Protecting the integrity of sport: the role of EPAS – Andrea Carletti, Vice-President of the EPAS Board of Directors
- Towards a standardisation process to protect the integrity of sport? – French Ministry for Sport
- Child Safeguarding Officer: better understanding for better implementation – Elena Casero, Programme Manager for EPAS Council of Europe
- Safe sport: break the silence, take action for prevention – Jullian Jappert, Director General of Sport and Citizenship
- Adressing hate speech in sport to build inclusive societies – Gabriela Matei, Head of the “Combating hate speech in sport” projet at the Council of Europe
- Devoting some of the revenue from betting to helping combat online hate – Mariam Bolkvadze, Professionnal tennis player
- Sport integrity: a constant battle – Sophie Kwasny, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged partial agreement on sport (EPAS)
- Preserving the integrity of sports competitions: a new step forward – Clémence Cathelain-Collon, Doctor of law/Research assistant at the IRJS Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/Member of the Sport and Citizenship Think Tank Scientific Committee
- “Athletes and players are not always aware of the risks” – Antoine Béghin, Director of Sponsorship and Integrity and former member of the French Olympic rowing team
- MARS: a network of magistrates and prosecutors to protect sport – Jean-Yves Lourguilloux, Assistant state prosecutor in Marseille/President of the MARS network
- SportBoard APP: technology for education through sport – Miquel Martinez, President of the application SportBoard
- Reinforcing organisational integrity in sport – Colin Miege, President of the Sport and Citizenship Think Tank Scientific Commitee
- “We need to look at the way performance in sport is produced and its social cost” – Stéphane Diagana, Ex athelete/ Co-president of the National Commitee for Ethics and Democracy in Sport
- IPACS: The International Partnership against corruption in sport – Konstantina Orlogopoulou, Coordinator of the IPACS scheme
- UEFA EURO 2024: a declaration to protect and uphold Human rights – UEFA and German Football Federation (DFB)
Sport and Society
- Capitaines Sport Planète: seven sportswomen for the green transition – MAIF
- “Assuming our societal role is one of our foremost responsabilities” – Philippe Dallio, French Football Federation (FFF) president
- “An ESG indicator to objectify well-being through sport” – Bertrand Boisselier, Deloitte France Corporate Foundation president
- Crédit Agricole, a partner committed to making Esports accessible to all – Crédit Agricole
- Pays de la Loire: a strategy based on making sport more attractive – Pays de la Loire
- OSES: teaching about the environment and the protection of the oceans – OSES project
- Our pilot cities in the experimentation phase! – Pacte + project
- City, Green, Go!
Sport and Citizenship
- Committed Athlete – Vanina Paoletti, Olympic athlete
- “Young people are the key agents of change” – Guillaume Dietsch, STAPS teacher at Université Paris-Est Créteil
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