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Capitaines Sport Planète: seven sportswomen for the green transition


Seven champions* with the status of captains in their respective disciplines joined the Sport Planet movement, brought together by MAIF, a few months ago. The aim is to use their fame to help the green transition in sport.


The meeting was set up at the national golf course at Guyancourt (France). This is where the 7 Sport Planet Captains met for the first time, brought together by MAIF because of their achievements, their fame and also their commitment and their determination, which goes beyond the sports ground. “Sport Planète is one of our major initiatives in favor of ecology”, explains Philippe Tauvel, head of engagement and societal action with MAIF. “The movement brings together federations, associations and ecoadventurers. But to reach a wider public and strengthen the impact of our actions, it is important for us to rely on spokespersons. These Sport Planet Captains are going to help us involve people who are not already convinced”.


#Chaqueactecompte (every act counts)

On the agenda at this first meeting: a workshop on the responsible sport fresco then a project planting a hedge on the national golf course. The plants were supplied by MAIF following the commitment to plant 3,000 trees in France, taken at the Sport Planet EcoGames in Paris in 2023.

Taking action is the MAIF creed. At the last French Swimming Championships, the insurance company activated its partnership with the swimmers in Team Lucas in an original way by converting each medal won by the athletes into hours spent collecting rubbish. “The primary objective is to publicise our actions and the causes we support,” says Philippe Tauvel. “#ChaqueMédailleCompte (every medal counts) enabled us to highlight our commitments twice. First during the French Championships, with a positive message based on sporting performance: each medal won commits the athlete to hours of clean-up; the more precious the metal, the more hours of waste collection. Secondly, the medals lived up to their promise during World Clean Up Day. The media coverage of this operation confirmed that with the help of personalities like Charlotte Bonnet or Philippe Lucas, we can give more resonance to the schemes we run.”

To do this, the Sport Planet Captains benefit from tools and advice from the structures federated by MAIF. This helps them to feel justified and encourages others who want to get engaged,
to remember that every act counts.


To follow the Sport Planet Captains news:




*Claire Supiot-Garçon, Charlotte Bonnet (swimming), Mélina Robert-Michon (discus), Élodie Clouvel (pentathlon), Sandrine Gruda (basket-ball), Marine Boyer (artistic gymnastics), Chloé Trespeuch (snowboard-cross).


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