Sport and Employment in Europe

Journal n°18, by the Think tank Sport and Citizenship

 Our daily news relentlessly reminds us that this is a major topic of concern- especially during an economic crisis period. In this context what is the position of the sport sector? What economic weight does it represent on the EU level? The numerous studies carried out on this subject highlight the main market trends: a young, heterogeneous and dynamic professional sector under constant evolution, and granted with highly mobile workers. The European union wants to base its sports policy on reliable, comparable data, however the only information they have on employment is 8 years old (Vocasport Study). An update is long due!





Table of Contents:

Viewpoint – EU News

« Future of Sport»

Emma McClarkin, Member of the European Parliament “Friends for Sport”

Special Feature – Sport and Employment in Europe

  “Sport and Employment in Europe” 

Sylvain Landa, Deputy Director for Sport and Citizenship Think

 “Jobs and training in sport” 

Carlo Scatoli, Head of sector “Tools for Skills and Qualifications”, Directorate General for Education and culture. European Commission

 “Why is it so difficult to understand the sport labour market in Europe?”

Gouju, A. Favre & P. Mignon, European Observatory of Sport and Employment (EOSE)

 “More ambitious initiatives across Europe are needed”

Bruno Alves, Director of Government & Public Affairs, Nike EMEA.

 “Youth unemployment: do the politicians care enough?”

Grant Jarvie, Vice-principal and acting principal, University of Stirling.

 “As a reflection of our society, sport is finding it hard to keep its values” 

Hubert Genieys, Managing Director in charge of institutional communications and partnerships and president of the European Federation of Bottled water (EFBW)

 “The relationship between volunteers and paid staff in sporting organisations”

Marc Falcoz, Centre for studies and research in jobs and professionalisation, University of Reims Champagne Ardennes.

 “The impact of Bologna Process in the sport sector”

Karen Petry, Vice President, European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment; Vice Director, Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Research- University Cologne.

“MESGO, the executive Master in European Sport Governance”

Prune Rocipon, MESGO Manager Lawyer at the Centre for Sports Economy and Law, University of Limoges.

Sport and Citizenship in action

Publication of The Institute of Sport and Management’s Notebook

The journal is available on a subscription basis only. Click here to subscribe.


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