European Civil Dialogue in Sport
Journal n°21, by the Think tank Sport and Citizenship
The fight against doping and corruption was on the European sport Forum’s programme at Nicosia in mid September, and in thi journal you can see the main conclusions reached.
We think EU action in sport is justified for another reason: the need to reinvent a European sentiment today. The current crisis engenders tension and parochialism. Economic Europe is wavering, and with it the European project. Every four years, at the time of the Olympics, the idea of a single European delegation arises. However romantic (unrealistic?) this idea may be, it does least raise question about Europe and highlight unifying rather than divisive factors. Sport is definitely in the first category.
Table of Contents:
Pespectives- EU News
“Associations are still not part of the European debate”
Marc Tarabella, Member of the European Parliament.
Exclusive Interview
Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
Special Feature –European Civil Dialogue in Sport
“Involving civil society to give new meaning to Europe”
Staffan Nilsson, President of the European Economic and Social Committee.
“The European Commission’s structured dialogue in sport”
Pedro Velazquez, Deputy Head of the Sport Unit, European Commission.
“European Civil dialogue in sport”
Nadège Chambon, Senior Researcher Notre Europe.
Sport and Citizenship in action
“Physical activity: a weapon in the fight against breast cancer in Europe”
The journal is available on a subscription basis only. Click here to subscribe.
The Journal PDF :