Empowering girls through sport:

Global good practices as a source of inspiration

International conference

27th May 2019


Paris City hall

This conference aims to discuss the inspiring and innovating dimensions of sport, and to debate its contributions to the issue at stake. Based on Marie-Cecile Naves’ book Sport, as a means of empowering women and girls all around the world, the event gathers protagonists from the showcased initiatives but also NGOs, athletes, researchers, public and private decision-makers, who together, will discuss and elaborate how best to promote these experiences.


Round-table 1 : Fighting violences and gender stereotypes with sports

Within the Fight against gender-based violence and structural inequality of access to goods and resources that affects many young women around the world, the opportunity to freely participate in sport or physical activities acts as both a catalyst of collective progress and a component to self-confidence on social, physical and psychological levels.


Round-table 2: Giving girls a chance to express their talents and abilities through sports

An increasing number on States and international organisations share a common goal- women’s financial independence and personal freedom. In a variety of ways, sport can contribute to this goal by enabling girls to take their place and actively participate in community at all levels. Without essentialism, sport strengthens female empowerment across the world.




Sport et citoyenneté