Sport and Citizenship’s Ambassadors
First witnesses and participants of sports, athletes and journalists are the best ambassadors to convey the ideas, principles and recommendations that we develop every day.
In addition to the experts, academics and qualified persons that are organizing to advance the debate, we invite athletes and journalists to join us to advance ideas of general interest, in and through sport.
Honorary President
President of FC Kraainem
The Honorary members of Sport and Citizenship
By their reputation, career and experiences, these personalities have been named honorary members of the Think tank Sport and Citizenship.
We are happy and proud to have the support of these experts and work with them to advance ideas of general interest and through sport.
Robert Abdesselam Foundation
Italian MP
Member of the Committee of Regions

Head of the Master 2 Sports Law – Paris Panthéon Sorbonne
Senator for Creuse, Commission for Culture, Education and Communication

Former Youth and Sport Director of the European Commission
Team Sport and Citizenship’s
Numerous professionl athletes and journalists share their experiences and success with our Think tank by participating in our debates and reflection process.
Sarah Ourahmoune
Olympic boxing silver medalist
Member of the National Council of Cities
Ganesh Pedurand
Member of National French Swimming Team
Graduate of l’École de Journalisme de Toulouse
Géraldine Pons
Raphaël Poulain
Former French international rugby player
Writer and speaker
Marie Bochet
Multiple world and Paralympic Alpine skiing champion
Graduate of Sciences Politiques Paris
Aya Cissoko
World champion boxer
Franco-Malian writer and speaker
Léonore Perrus
Former National French Fencing Team Member
European Project Coordinator at INSEP
Stanislas Gautier
Champion golfer
Member of Racing Club de France La Boulie
Sandrine Aubert
French skiier
Consultant and speaker
Marlène Cieslik
World champion boxer and World Combat Games champion
Assistant Director of the University Hospital in Nantes
Vanessa Gladone
Former French athlete, triple jump and long jump specialist
Gaël Legras
Mathilde Johansson
Former French tenniswoman
Marine Marck / @marinemrk
Sport Journalist for TF1
Recently, she has participated as a reporter for the World Cup 2018